
February 17, 2009 at 8:17 pm | Posted in australian poetry, links | 14 Comments
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Those of you have been around a while will know that being myself is one of the things I find most difficult. In fact, the myth of the consistent self is one of my favourite themes. That is one of the reasons I have always found these interview thingies so perplexing.

You can see my latest attempt to define method in my madness at the ever fascinating Another Lost Shark.

Where do the words come from #5, Paul Squires.

Thanks, Graham.


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  1. Nick Cave is a Hoveite, haha. I remember once reading him saying that an example of how he likes to do things his own way can be traced back to an old school photo of him, where just at the moment of the photographer clicking the shutter, Nick turned around and flashed him the moon. You are a lot like Nick but this ‘interview’ is fabulous and a perfect, perfect indication of who you are to the reader. I read many interviews with authors and poets, which are in the main boring as hell, with just a moment of information that might be inspiring but you have put a nugget in every line. Fabulous. Congrats.

  2. i really liked the interview too & i agree being yourself can be the easiest, most natural yet hardest thing to do but nothing feels better than it.

  3. wonderful! drum roll cymbal crash syncopated backbeat everybody dance now ha ha! very nice paul one of the alltime best interviews i have ever seen

  4. Au contraire, I think you are always your self! Of course, a consistent self is a myth, I would agree; but which neurotic self would want to stay consistent? The self is ever changing, ever choosing, and it is in the contradictions that reality is observed. Life itself is self contradictory!

    Now I’d confess that I haven’t yet read that interview thingy (which I will very soon), but wanted to leave this comment thingy right away…

  5. i agree with lissa. the most difficult thing to be natural, but nothing is more enjoyable than knowing you are who you are.

  6. yay for you!

  7. Paul, if anything, you are consistently inconsistent- and much adored by all who come back for more words (and your madness, haha).

  8. Completely agree about life being an improvisation. Such a cool interview!!

  9. “He is waiting patiently to feel that he has earned the respect of his peers so that he can stop trying so hard, ”

    Relax, my friend… mission accomplished.

  10. It’s wonderful what can be achieved when people ask nicely? Truly great.

    How’s the collaborative piece going? I notice it’s been in hiding for quite some time now.

  11. i liked the ‘pornography of the self’ a lot.

    and the nick cave quote. i felt like it was on to something.

    i think self-authenticity can be difficult. but, as has been mentioned, i think the self is an amorphous thing – so perhaps being one’s ‘self’ is subjective.
    possibly contrary to that (or not) i notice the times at which i feel most comfortable and confident within my own skin are the points at which i feel most ‘true’ to myself; have acted in a way which feels particularly integral to what i’m comprised of as a person. something happens, i have some kind of demi (smallscale) realisation i’ve been mulling over a while, act upon it, and my place within the world seems to subtly shift.

  12. Hey paul! Me too! I got a rolls royce ’cause it’s good for MY voice!

    (but unfortunately, of course, neither of us can fool the children of the revolution. holy shit, who’s got the time?)

  13. I’ve acquired confidence in the poetic excellence with which you will be the self you are at any given moment. It’s a delight to toast you, Paul!

  14. of course there is no consistency of self, there is no self. the self is a construct of the collective psyche. pretty damn ironic no?

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